All things development, technology, and other interests
Category: <span>Software</span>

Upgrading All Currently Installed Ruby Gems

So, I’ve begun playing around with Ruby a bit. I’ve been curious to see what all the hype is around Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I installed Ruby prior to my tinkering because I wanted to follow along with some examples included in a backbone.js tutorial. I notices there have …

Evernote Premium for life!

If you enjoy staying organized as I do you also use Evernote… If you don’t use Evernote you should really give it a try. My number one use is clipping websites that I want to retain for offline viewing, you know, just in case the article vanishes from the web. …

How-To: Sign PowerShell Scripts

I’m compiling a quick and dirty how-to for signing PowerShell scripts, mainly for my own archives. If it helps any of you then all the better. You can find a full post on how to do it here. First you need to set the the execution policy accordingly. In this case we’ll use …

A .NET Developer Who Did The Unthinkable

That’s right folks, I did what most developers who use Microsoft as their main development platform would never do… I bought a brand new Early 2011 MacBook Pro. Let me provide a little back story to this purchase decision.  I used a Titanium PowerBook G4 back in college and love …