This is a wonderful alternative energy concept for individual home owners. If they can get the price down the energy cost savings compared to buying energy from your l0cal utility company could be huge! Especially if they can get these little “boxes of energy” down to a cost of $3000 or less…
I've created this blog as my first attempt to give something back to the development community. My hope is that I can provide useful information to the development community that comes directly out of my experiences as a software engineer. My primary focus is Microsoft .NET technologies, however, I intend to touch on other development technologies as well as maybe an occasional posting about my experiences or recommendations on various gadgets. I need to run for now but look forward to more content from me soon.
Until next time,
P.S. Comments are enabled and I strongly encourage commenting as a form of feedback (constructive criticisms only please) on my posts (I hope this will be as much of a learning experience for me as it will be for you).